Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Helping Others Succeed

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do - Edward Everett Hale”

Today’s word with Joel & Victoria goes on to say “In Scripture, the Apostle Paul would have never had the impact he did without a man named Barnabas.” “Barnabas stood up for Paul and used his influence to open a door with the other disciples. Paul went on to write over half of the New Testament.” “We don’t hear a lot about Barnabas. Paul greatly overshadowed him. But if you were to ask Paul he would say, “I won because Barnabas helped me win. I succeeded because Barnabas took a risk and opened a door that I could not open on my own. Barnabas believed in me when nobody else did.”

This was yet again another perfect timing for me to receive this word. Through my life, I have been helped by so many. I have been offered opportunities that have been so beneficial to me. I have many, many people to thank for all these doors that have been opened and the number one person being GOD…and it seems so many times GOD does get overshadowed in our everyday lives (me guilty as well), when in reality HE is the one that has had our lives mapped out since before we were born.

I feel that as gracious as GOD is with us, we should only strive to be more like him and always look for opportunities to help others as well to ensure they are bettering their lives. This does not necessarily mean by doing this with materialistic ways such as money, etc., it is as simple as mentor to someone as Barnabas was to Paul and take a risk on someone that is not able to open doors on their own and believe in someone when no one else does.

For me I have had a lot of people take chances on me and risks so to speak and I feel that I have failed no one. I strive to do the best I can in all that I am set to do…this is for my personal relationships as well as my business relationships. I however have made wrong decisions through my life and that is where the risk comes into play that may have been taken on when it came to me – but in the end, I feel that the risks that were taken were well worth it and I have come out more knowledgeable and full of gratitude just as the other party was.

In my recent years, I have been so fortunate to be blessed with a husband, family and friends that have taken a chance on me and instilled much trust and though there were times of disappointment and trials to overcome, they stuck with me and for that I am forever grateful! The same goes for my job – I have been so fortunate to work with such an amazing team of people whom I have learned from and continue to learn from that through the trust and confidence they have placed in me and me in them, I climb higher and higher each day in all that I do!

In closing, don’t immediately rule someone out that you might not know very well. Allow yourself to be maybe the only person that is available to this man or woman. The only person that is able to offer direction and open doors that will better this man or woman – be the difference in a person’s life – you will never know the impact that they can provide to you and others until you try.

XO Till Next Time

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