Thursday, March 31, 2011

Face Book -- Friend OR Foe?

“If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends - you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue - Alice Duer Miller”

I can remember when Face Book came out. I was addicted to My Space at the time (wow, doesn’t that seem so juvenile? Now) I was torn between both and the world of Face Book was so new – a little too “mature for me”.

Well a year into it and convinced, I finally signed on and became a Face Book Addict! My Space became a thing of the past and I began to connect again with the same friends on Face Book. Gosh, wasn’t it so fun at first? Posting statuses and pictures of your life with family and friends – and some people began to use Face Book more than email, so maybe it was the only way to connect.

Time has passed now, and unfortunately it seems not only has Face Book been used for good, but for some as evil too. Maybe not even evil, but are you REALLY friends with everyone you “Friend” on face Book? Granted – I am sure not. I have plenty of “likes” of many bands, shows and celebs that I follow, but my actual “friends”, yes I can honestly say, I consider them all just that – friends. I have went to school with you, I have worked with you, I have maybe even spent a night in jail with you (kidding), but the fact is, after all is said and done…though we don’t see each other EVERY Day, I bet you $5.00, I could call you if I wanted to talk – you have just portrayed that availability to me, and I am thankful.

What about the other “friends” on Face Book or other Social Networks? After watching ‘Social Network’, I see how easy and fast relationships spread on the “Network”. I once sought out to find people from my past – and quickly realized for my husband and I – those people are in the past for a reason and not meant to be sought out. I also quickly learned how funny it is to see those same people as “friends” on this social network, when in reality it is the furthest thing from that – ha!

In ending --- I as you, receive “Friend Request” a lot – I as you decline a lot as well. Are the ones you are requesting OR accepting as "Friends" for TRUE friendship or just a selfish request into connecting to the past or connecting to future for the wrong reasons? The saying “Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer” is so played out --- Keep your Friends Closer ALWAYS --- Just Saying…

1 comment:

C. Zampa said...

Hmmmm. You have many more friends on FB than me, and know your way around it.

Just the little bit I'm on it, I'm surprised at the number of people who use it to lash out at others and carry out viciousness for everyone to see. Nothing is private or sacred apparently on the WW Web.