Friday, June 22, 2012

Under Construction

“It's a rash man who reaches a conclusion before he gets to it - Jacob Levin”

Well Hello Friday – Oh How I have looked for you this entire week!! And hello to you all, wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

SO I got to thinking about this entry…aren’t we all sort of “Under Construction” at all times? I mean just when we think we have gotten to where we are going something happens and cones go up, the speed limit we are steadily drops and we are in a construction zone again! I use to get frustrated…very frustrated. Just when you have accomplished all you were set out to do, just when you feel like you are FINALLY on that right path you come to a fork in the road and so it goes on.

All that know me know that I love to push the boundaries, and a construction zone is no different. I’m the one that refuses to wear a hard hat “and mess up this cute do?”, I also never really, really think that the fines double when you do not slow down in a construction zone, I simply feel that there is clearly not enough room for a cop to pull you over if you are creeping a little over the speed limit…I have yet to find out! And I am surely not superstitious…so walking under a ladder in a work zone doesn’t scare me…well I take that back, I do cringe when I see a black cat lying ahead of me…ok, maybe just a little superstitious!

Anyhow, the point I am getting at is, our lives never will be fully complete, things will never quit changing around us causing us to change a little or shift the direction we were going. Mike and I had so many plans ahead of us – places we wanted to travel, houses we wanted to buy, friends and family we wanted to visit…and as we were in the midst of making these plans, we had to slow down. See though our lives had a reduction in the speed, we surely didn’t stop living. We took some trips we intended to take…we visited the family and friends that we looked forward to seeing. On the other hand, some things we were not able to complete, but we instead had to take that fork in the road and take a different direction…never be afraid to face that fork…sometimes we have no choice.

I recently met a lady my age that had to part with her husband recently as he started his heavenly journey…the C word became their road block, but just as for Mike, GOD intervened and took him to be her angel…timing is everything (again). We have been bouncing off each other and sharing our stories, and surprisingly (minus the children), we have similar journeys and I am assured Mike has a new friend in Heaven! Along this way, I have many people offer support, and words, but in all honesty, until you have been through this, there are just no words to say (as I have said in a previous entry). Simply just being a friend or a loving family member is all we need. Because of our shared journeys we are able to talk and share the raw emotions that go along with losing your loved one…your best friend. She was recently told by someone, not really knowing how to react, simply say “Well that is SHITTY!” “That Just SUCKS!” Granted, I am sure this person was speaking from their mind and the thoughts that were going through their head…but DANG, we surely do not want to hear this either!

See when our lives took on this major “construction” project, I feel not that Mike and I didn’t LIVE life already…but just as her husband did for her, Mike taught me HOW TO LIVE! How to live everyday as it was our last – we lived like we were dying --- > Shouldn’t we all? The fact is, we are each dying everyday…not all due to disease, but its just life, it is what we were born to do…live and die. I was VERY fortunate to have Mike in very good health despite the disease the majority of time that he was sick. We decided to not miss any opportunity to do what WE wanted to do – we were on a MISSION to not let the “construction zone” slow our speed, for the construction never ends!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! :)
