Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just The RIGHT Ingredients

Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie - Jim Davis”

Agh! I found this quote and actually chuckled a little bit. Kind of like the being on the “Sea” diet – “Everything I ‘SEE’ I eat”.

Chatting with a “Blog Buddie” earlier (as we all know I ramble, and the things I say sometimes, I wonder if I made that up just then or if heard it somewhere along the way) and we were discussing how negative the world can be at times and we both are striving to remove ourselves a such as we can, but at times it is difficult to have just the right mixture of people to make up the “ingredients” of your recipe of life.

I got to thinking about that, and it seems like in EVERY recipe you have, the majority consist of salt. I myself know by many test runs that with not enough salt the recipe can not taste right, with too much salt it can ruin the recipe in a second but you add it just right and all the ingredients that make up what you are making, all just seem to come together in harmony.

I thought of how in life, the negativity that comes along with it is sort of like salt. Let’s face it; the world around us is just sometimes a negative place. Whether it be the news, relationships or ANYTHING, too much of it can completely ruin it! Now don’t get me wrong I am not condoning negative behavior, but I believe GOD allows us when we are faced with it to either one of 3 things --- if we take it all away, then the world would be perfect, we would all get along, but yet in reality there would be something missing. If add too much and let it consume us, then the recipe is ruined and we spend more time making something new and take away from the focus of all the other “side dishes”. Now if we allow just the right amount, then we end up with a harmony of ingredients working together to make a pleasant dish.

Now that entire paragraph above may have made no sense, but I suppose what I am saying is that in life, you cant completely escape the negativity – it is just one of those things that has itself in “all recipes”, BUT you can choose to keep yourself in ONLY in what you want to and not be brought down by others. The older I have become and though I have a HUGE heart and want to save the world and make everyone friends and fix everyone’s problems – when I do that it takes away from me, my husband and my family. We are all adults and I feel the older we get, you realize it is ok to be selfish (< -- see another from a blog buddy) You learn the older you get you CANNOT fix others, they must fix themselves – what you can do is pray for them, and pray that they too are able to know exactly how much salt to add to their recipe. In closing, I have learned it takes a WHOLE lot more energy to be upset at the world and try to fix things that can’t be fixed than it does to be happy. With all that is going on with Mike and I, I am so much easier awakened everyday with a positive attitude and “kart-wheel” mentality than to let the black rain cloud follow me every where I go – AND even for those days, I have a really cute polka-dot umbrella! I am not saying life by ANY means is easy --- but as Joel Osteen would say, “It is Up to YOU to be Happy – No one else!” XO Lyndie PS – I found this awesome recipe I wanted to share: The TRUE Recipe for Life

4 cups of Love
2 cups of Loyalty
3 cups of Forgiveness
1 cup of Friendship
5 spoons of Hope
2 spoons of Tenderness
4 quarts of Faith
1 barrel of Laughter


1) Take Love and Loyalty, mix it thoroughly with Faith.
2) Blend it with Tenderness, Kindness & Understanding.
3) Sprinkle abundantly with Laughter.
4) Bake it with Sunshine.
5) Serve daily with generous helpings.

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