Monday, September 26, 2011
Not Giving UP, Just Not Giving In!
“Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word - Psalm 119:37, NIV”
“You have to be very selective about what you give your time and attention to in order to live the life of victory God has promised. You have to recognize which thoughts to ignore, which comments to ignore, and sometimes, which people to ignore.
Every “battle” that comes across your path is not a battle that you’re supposed to fight. Many battles are simply distractions to try to lure you off course. If that battle is not between you and your God-given destiny, it’s a battle you should ignore.
Many people get thrown off course because they are always trying to straighten everyone else out or win their approval. If that’s your focus, you are wasting valuable time and energy that you should be using to pursue your dreams. Turn away from that distraction! You don’t need the approval of everyone around you; you only need God’s approval!
Friend, it’s very freeing when you realize you don’t have to fight every battle. You don’t have to straighten people out. You don’t have to pay somebody back. Instead, focus on what matters; focus on God and His Word so you will live in peace and happiness every day of your life – Joel Osteen”
As always Joel hits it right on the head and out of the park! Those exact words and the reference to those “battles” is just what I needed to hear today. I know a while back, I blogged about internal battles with ourselves that are placed within and seem to arise when life’s normal going ons are happening and sometimes you may not be sure of what side to take and doubt sets in. The battles I speak of today are more of battles of all circumstances in life. Trying to change things or people in your life that you just cannot change. Trying to analyze every detail to come to some sort of conclusion as to why things are the way they are.
For me, this is one of the toughest battles, because though I do have a happy disposition and I feel I am liked and loved by many, I do know, not necessarily because of me personally, but I am probably not liked by others, maybe many --- and FINALLY after a year of back and forth thoughts and self-doubt of my worth, I am OK with someone, anyone, whether it be a friend or family, just not liking me :) I like me, and actually LOVE me along with my GOD above and that is all that matters! I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, loving “doggies and kitties”, family & friends who continue to love Mike and I unconditionally without conditions till the day we are passed and gone from this earth.
I noticed for the longest time, even since this journey with cancer, we allowed ourselves WAY TOO much time on focusing on the “why’s” of our relationships with others, and for us doing that, it took away from OUR relationship. We were too busy trying to appease others and strive for approval that it took away from our relationship with each other and the ONLY one that matters and will be our judge in the final days – Our GOD!
As this weekend passed, Mike and I had time to reflect on his mother and the cherished time he spent with his family this weekend going through items that his mom cherished and were kept to pass on to Mike and others. Mike and I turned some music on Saturday night, shared a bottle of wine and went through all these treasures. I was so thankful to see so many memories of his mom. She is someone I have only heard stories of but to see first hand letter she wrote, perfumes she wore and items that were once close to her, it is a time that I will forever cherish with my husband. At that moment, I looked at him and said “nothing else matters.”
He knew what I spoke of, and we both agreed that we both will have so much peace moving forward, being OK with knowing, so to say, “it is what it is.” Though is hurts to come to terms with this, it is going to continue to hurt a lot more dwelling and focusing on all things out of our control.
We attended church this weekend – Biker Church, and as always, just sort of like getting these daily emails from Osteen, it was JUST the right message we needed to hear. Granted Mike and I do not attend church like we should, but when we do, it is so worth it! It is an amazing congregation of just normal, GOD fearing people that rather pulling up in an SUV or auto, they line the church parking lot with Harleys, Yamahas and all other sorts of scooters!
Mike has gone back to work OFFICIALLY full time today, and praise GOD for this! Its been a tough year with only one income (of sorts), BUT Thank YOU JESUS for this ability to have such wonderful Family, Friends and supporters through this time! For Mike, I know this is a monumental day for him – he feels stronger than ever, full of pep & re-focused – Both of us are focused in the RIGHT direction!
In closing, Mike will under-go one more PET Scan this week, and this will be the final determination of if he is ready to get on the maintenance chemo moving forward or if he will continue with the Mega-Chemo. Doctors continue to say it looks like “Sunshine with a chance of No Cancer!” in Mikes future --- we WILL continue to focus on this as well and know It ALL Remains GOD’s plan, and for this we are thankful and full of praise!
We wish you all a wonderful week ahead – I feel a slight change in the air and hope it stays – BRING ON THE HOLIDAYS!!
XO Lyndie
The HYPE Known As SKYPE!
HI Everyone!!
Mike and I hope you are all doing well and enjoying this ‘Fall’ weather ---its getting a little better for us here in Houston!
I wanted to email you all and let you know Mike and I now know how to Skype! I never imagined Mike or I would understand it (just because we are so not tech savvy) but we tried it out last night and it was really cool!! We were able to talk to a friend in Japan and even a local friend from Houston!
Even though some of us live in the same area, I know it is hard for us to see each other as often as we’d like – it seems we are missing out on seeing the kiddos grow, or just catching up on the latest and greatest! Granted, I am not really much on talking on the phone, but I love to Text, email and now SKYPE! I have Mike and I’s user name below and we hope if you have the capability you will log on from time to time and “SKYPE” with us!
Skype User Name: lyndienmike
I hope to utilize this with our nephews, cousins and all family and friends we have!!
We love you all and wish you a wonderful week!
XO Lyndie
PS – Praise GOD, today is Mike’s first official day back at work FULL Time – work release from MD Anderson!! Amen!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Month of Memories!
“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie - Tenneva Jordan”
What! It is already the end of September? We just scheduled our Christmas Décor Installation for our building – I am a bit Giddy over this! This time of year, once that weather changes (well slightly) and the leaves change colors (well ours our dead from the drought) but you get my drift. This time of year just puts something in the air, a time of celebration with Family & Friends!
This time last year, there were so many ups and downs with Mike and being so new to the Cancer. We anticipated him to be completely sick and had scheduled for family to fly in, friends to move in and whatever else we were going to need to ensure he was taken care of 24/7. Well as GOD had planned Mike was not going to take this cancer “lying” down and indeed he did not! A year a few months later from his original diagnosis, he is healthy, back to work and kicking Cancer’s Booty! As much joy as I have in my heart today, it is incorporated with a little sad as well, for this month holds many emotions for Mike and I both.
12 years ago this week, Mike lost his mom to Cancer. She was only 46. I never had the opportunity to meet her, but I have heard so many stories, and I feel in my heart she is with us still today watching over Mike. A year ago this week, Mike was in the hospital on this very day, fighting for his vision to be restored due to a tumor that affected his Optic Nerve. How ironic to be laying in MD Anderson 11 years on the anniversary of your mother’s passing, battling the same disease. Mike and his family have so many wonderful stories to share of his mom, and as I said, I see a lot of his mom in Mike and for that I am thankful. He is a free-spirit, has a huge heart and an old soul that just offers such comfort in his presence. Mike still holds his mom very close to his heart, and for this I am happy. Mike was in a different place 12 years ago, and at the time, as we all did, still had a lot of growing. He is sad that his mom is not here to see him today, but I ensured him, that she is sitting on the sidelines of Heaven routing for him and this journey he is on today. She is surely up in Heaven bragging about him to all she meets!
In my heart, I feel family is, in the end, all you have. Though I do not see my own mother nearly enough, we talk often and I am so thankful for our relationship. We do not always see eye to eye, and I don’t think we are supposed to – it’s just like a parent rule…right? The same goes for our family. We do not always see eye to eye, may not agree with decisions we make or the choices we choose, but Family is to love unconditional with no conditions. Though Mike and I have a huge family now together, at the end of the day, Mike, Myself, our 3 doggies and 2 kitties ARE our family. I know we are not ALL we have, but we have a bond that cannot be broken.
Through this journey that Mike and I have been on, I realize life (literally) is too short. The older I get, the more and more people are taken from this earth (to me before their time), but GOD is the ultimate time keeper and it ALL remains HIS plan, even when we do not understand. The old cliché saying about “You Never know what tomorrow holds” is so true. We cannot change our past, we are given today, but for tomorrow, we have no control. It is a lot easier said than done when there is crisis within a family, but I will admit on this journey with Mike, our family, our extended family and our friends are SO needed right now. We cherish all of our relationships and the encouragement we receive from you all! I know many of you are busy with your own goings on in life, but to make us even a little part of your thought during the day to us is priceless and we are forever grateful.
In closing, do not let an argument, a grudge or hard feelings keep you from telling someone you love them. I believe we do not always have to like who we love, but it does make it a lot easier sometimes. On this week of many memories, good and bad, I lift my glass to all who are fighting cancer, have lost their lives or have beat it! I lift my glasses to all the caregivers, families, friends, MD Anderson and ALL involved in the research and studies to rid the world of this disease!
I thank you GOD for all of your blessings. I sometimes stop and know that many times, it could have been my time…but you had bigger plans for me. Thank you for allowing me to touch others with my words and EVEN my Kart-Wheels ;) Thank you for the continued strength you provide Mike and I through this journey. Thank You LORD for believing in US!
XO Lyndie
Friday, September 16, 2011
Happy Happy - Joy Joy
"Joy Is Not In Things; It Is In Us - Richard Wagner”
“Jesus came to give you joy and joy to the full! When your joy is full, it can be seen by others. Joy is supposed to be displayed. As believers, we should have a smile on our face and a spring in our step. We should be kind and friendly. We should be fun to be around. We should be full of His supernatural joy!
Have you allowed the pressures of life to push you down? Have you been more focused on your circumstances than on your God? If you’re not enjoying your life or relationships, it’s time to refocus and tap into the full joy within. It’s time to draw the line in the sand and say, “That’s it. I’m not going to live another day negative, discouraged, sour or grumpy. I’m going to put a smile on my face. I’m going to let my joy be seen so I can brighten somebody else’s day. I’m going to live my life happy and full of joy! – Joe Osteen”
Again! I receive a message from Joe Osteen ministries in the same time that it is connecting with what is happening in my current situation. In my previous blog, I expressed how joyful I was for Mike’s current results and through this journey that has consisted with many ups and downs, one thing I have stayed true to is my faith and with that my happiness within has maintained!
When I started my blog I had intended it to just be an outlet for me and a way to keep in touch with others of Mike’s journey – a way to touch everyone at once. As of today, I receive emails and messages from all over from people that are following my blog and thank Mike and I for being such an inspiration. Heck, anytime I get a chance to meet someone new, I offer my blog address and invite them to take a peek and come back whenever they want. I love to share our journey with others and hope while doing this I continue to spread the joy I have in my heart to others.
I know that we all have different circumstances and beliefs, but we ALL have the ability to have joy in our hearts. With Mike’s disease one of the most important things that we were told in the beginning was how important his mentality was going to play a part in this, and they were never so right. The minute Mike gets down about anything, I allow him to sulk, but remind him he’s on a time line and we must get back to focusing on the good things in our life and how well he is doing. In the flip, he always feels better and especially with the visits that we have had lately with MD Anderson, the joy is very apparent!
Mike and I don’t have much. We are simple people with goals of having a family one day, owning our own home and just continuing to be happy. We are like most out there, we sometimes live paycheck to paycheck, but by the Grace of GOD we have NEVER been without, even when we were down to a one income household after his diagnosis. Thankful to family and friends that have helped us along the way, but the majority has been done by us and provided to US by GOD above – for this my inner joy becomes outside joy and I hope to continue to project that onto all who I come in contact with.
In closing, when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and you are feeling knocked down, dig deep for that ounce of happy that brings joy to your heart – allow that to outshine any negative in your life and you will surely come out on top!
XO Lyndie
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Short and Sweet!
“Faith is believing that the outcome will be what it should be, no matter what it is - Colette Baron-Reid”
Hey Everyone!!
I promise you this is REALLY short and sweet!
Leaving MD Anderson just minutes ago, we met with Mike’s Brain/Spine Doctor to go over MRI results of this brain and spine. As of 9/15/2011 Mike’s Brain, Spinal Fluid and FINALLY Spinal Bone are Cancer Free!! I inquired to the Doctor of the spots that we see on the bone in the images, and he explained that these are scars or damage to the bone from the cancer. He said at this time there is no signs of cancer showing on the scans that show any activity. As for the PET Scans last week, I mentioned, Mike still remains to have 2 lymph nodes that have the cancer cells, but are shrinking with the chemo.
I have so much thanks to give to GOD above, MD Anderson, Our Team of Doctors, The Staff, The Volunteers, Our Family and Friends! You ALL continue to be amazing on this journey and we continue to love you all! Dr. Groves went on to tell Mike this visit that he is TRULY Amazing and in all honesty with his beginning prognosis and with his patients, he does not see this, he has not seen this but a few times – Thank You JESUS!!
I promised this one to be short and sweet, and just provide the bare minimal…so in closing:
AS OF 9/15/11 MIKE IS CANCER FREE IN SPINAL FLUID, SPINAL BONE, BRAIN and only has 2 spots in his lymph nodes!
I will end this email with a little shimmy to the left, a shimmy to the right and a one handed Kart-Wheel!!
XO LYndie
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Staying Steadfast Through ALL Trials
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him - James 1:12”
Through this journey that Mike and are on, I can ONLY continue to thank GOD above for the miracles he is working in our life. I thank him for allowing us to be inspirations as others are to us. I am thankful that through this journey he has allowed us to meet people of such great faith, faith that I feel maybe even rises above mine, and believe me -- I have A LOT of faith instilled in me.
We joined Biker Church of Manvel last summer after Mike’s diagnosis. I do not recall if I have blogged about them before, but if not, here you go. The minute we walked into the church, it was a complete welcome. Bikes parked along the front of the church, people mingling outside and hugs and handshakes all around. Mike and I were thankful that we knew someone there, so it made it easy and completely comfortable. We were introduced to Pastor Dave and his wife, and immediately felt such love. We shared our current journey with them, and the very same afternoon Mike was baptized. The love that continued to grow from this congregation was amazing and just right for Mike and I.
While there, we have met many special people, and one that Mike became close to. Thomas was diagnosed with Cancer as well, and not much older than Mike. He was 3 years in remission and was such an inspiration to Mike and I for his strength and belief he held for GOD for all of his circumstances. Every church service or gathering, Mike and Thomas would buddy up and talk “cancer” and all other stuff. Yesterday evening we just learned from our Pastor that Thomas’s cancer has come back and is raging through his system. The doctors have given him a prognosis of 4 weeks. My heart immediately dropped when Mike called me and after work we both went to MDA to visit with Thomas and his family.
All that know me, know my disposition and how I see the Silver-Lining in ALL situations, but on the way to MDA I started to cry, because in the seat next to me was my husband that is defying all odds, being called a miracle and I still have time with him. I felt my self asking GOD, why? Why do others not do so well, yet Mike is kicking Cancer’s butt, has not been sick or put down for any length of time and is continuing to defy all odds? I know people think I am in denial at times, and wonder how can I have SO much faith in our GOD and have confidence Mike will continue to do so well. I am completely realistic. I know this disease has its own mind and at any moment, can change direction and take you down. I know that Mike is doing so well right now, but it could change – I know this, and it is my thoughts often…BUT on the flip side, Mike could also be taken from this earth any other way, so for me to dwell on the disease at hand, I know that it continues to be GOD’s plan for him to be here and for that I can only be thankful and praise him daily and have MUCH confidence Mike will Cancer Free.
As we sat and visited with Thomas, you could see he was tired, his body was tired, yet he did not shed a tear and remained in good spirits the whole time. He has much confidence in GOD and his faith, he knows that he is here for a reason and if it is his time, then he knows it is GODs plan. In all honesty, at my age, other than grandparents passing away at an older age, I have never sat with someone in the final stages. I think I was nervous about seeing Thomas and how he is reacting to GOD’s plan. I have never sat and spoke with someone knowing in just a few weeks, you may be laid to rest – to lay there and be ok with it. As we sat there, I was more inspired than anything at that moment and felt complete peace. Thomas knows his GOD and knows GOD knows his heart and he has continued to serve his GOD above and does not question his plan laid out for him.
As we left and walked through the halls of MDA, halls that have become so familiar to us, I held Mike’s hand just a little tighter. We drove home and discussed GOD’s plan for us, and we both agreed, we continue to have no regrets and have complete faith that GOD is using us daily, and he is not nearly finished yet. But we also know when that day comes, whether it be the cancer or just GOD’s chess move for us, we know while here on earth that we strive to be the best people we can be. Though we make mistakes, we know that GOD has forgives us, and our time here on earth will continue to glorify HIM and only HIM.
I commend you Thomas for your strength and courage. Though your journey isn’t over yet, and these next 4 weeks may take you into the next 4 years, please know that you are a complete inspiration to Mike and I, to many others as well.
XO Lyndie
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Where Were You?
“That some good can be derived from every event is a better proposition than that everything happens for the best, which it assuredly does not - James K. Feibleman”
I cannot believe today is 10 years since the 9/11 events of 2001. I know it is a date that occurs every year, but the actual 10 year remembrance of this event is so huge – almost like a high school reunion. (of course NO close comparison just an example).
Waking up this AM and hanging our American Flag, I noticed it was all the same down our street. We live in a mainly primary Hispanic neighborhood, and we are surrounded by a huge diversity of culture, but again today just as 9/11/2001, seeing the majority of all homes raising the American Flag, it just confirmed that no matter the turmoil the economy is in, nor what each of our political views are, we are indeed ONE Nation Under GOD and this day, this time to reflect on it all, only confirms that we still all believe in our America!
I love this song of Alan Jackson and was so happy to have this video pop up in my email this AM – sitting watching it my Hubby, though we were both in different places that day living different lives, I feel in spirit as Americans we were together, sharing the horrific moments of this National tragedy:
Alan Jackson -- Where Were You?
In closing, my heart and ALL my thanks go to all that were involved on this day 10 years ago. Thank you to ALL the firefighters, the policemen, the men, women and children and the soldiers that continue to risk their lives unselfishly to strive to continue to keep our nation from undergoing another attack.
Take a moment today, to count your blessings. Look around, whether it be the smile from your Hubby/Wife, your children or even a kiss on the nose from the “wet-nosed” kiddos, take an extra moment to hug them and ensure they know beyond a doubt that you love them.
XO Lyndie
PS - This video shows the very moment President George W. Bush received the news of the tower attacks. I know he has gotten so much flack about this moment, but I commend him for keeping his composure and handling the way he did. GOD Bless.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I tried a little while ago to post this link when it first aired on Good Morning America, but it got yanked off of You Tube, but now is back -- yay!
This is an amazing song, and oh so true for this disease! Cancer truly does not discriminate and we are living proof! I am so thankful for JESUS providing me with the strength to go through this with Mike and for him to be strong as well!
Enjoy this beautiful dedication --- OXXO Lyndie
Martina Mc Bride -- I'm Going To Love You Through It
Friday, September 9, 2011
Celebration? Yes Indeed!
“Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon - Dag Hammarskjold”
Oh how that quote stands so true! A year ago (September 1st), Mike underwent his brain surgery to remove the cancerous tumor. A day I will never forget. I feel that Mike was less scared than I was. I remember the day like it was yesterday. Pulling up at MD Anderson (which was still very new to us) at 5 AM in the morning to prep Mike for surgery at 6 AM. In all honesty writing this brings tears to my eyes, for the journey ahead was unknown.
Family & friends piled into the waiting room awaiting every update from the nurses. I believe we anticipated a longer surgery, but within 2 ½ hours, the nurse came out and informed us, the tumor was removed and the Doctor would be out to talk with us. My heart was still and I waited anxiously for Dr. Weinberg to turn that corner. When he came into the room, he had nothing but smiles on his face and said all went GREAT and the ENTIRE tumor was removed! To this day, I still praise GOD for the tumor being in a place that complete extraction was possible. Dr. Weinberg hugged us and said Mike is in recovery and we could see him soon. GOSH, like getting ready for our first date, I had butterflies in stomach – I did not know what to expect. I had never seen ANYONE post surgery, and did not know what Mike was going to look like. The walk to the recovery room was the LONGEST walk of my life. As we entered and rounded the corner, there laid Mike, drugged and vulnerable, yet still witty! The love of my life, who is the strongest man I know, lay there in his surgery gown, with IVs hooked up from every direction – I cried.
It wasn’t too soon after that, that Mike grabbed my hand and knew who we were (I know it sounds silly, but I truly did not know what to expect). Just having major brain surgery, I did not know if they may have snipped a nerve that would make him forget us all…I know, I watch too many movies!
The day progressed and after what seemed forever, Mike got a room (I say it was the penthouse of all hospital rooms at Hotel MDA). We settled in and the fun began! To this day I will never forget the nighttime nurse that we had – if you can imagine, she was a short little elderly red head and feisty. If you can picture it, she reminded me of the little old lady that sings “hip to the hop, hippty hop” in the Wedding Singer. Any how, she was a GREAT nurse. Poor Mike was on so much medication that caused tempers to flare, and she took it all with a grain of salt and ensured my Hubby was taken care of. Though our stay in the hospital was only 2 ½ days – YES 2 days – in fact, Mike was up and coherent the same night of his surgery! Dr. Weinberg came in the next morning and could not believe it! His exact words were “I cannot believe you had brain surgery yesterday!” Praise GOD!
As this week has been so hectic with the upcoming remembrance of 9/11, the turmoil of the wildfires spreading through Texas, the flooding in our northern states, tropical storms forming in the gulf, I completely forgot about this important date. So to me, I have to say it is quite a celebration! A time of year that will never be forgotten and a date that I will celebrate today knowing that Mike continues to defy all odds and the Cancer (which to this day is still scary), but for our family we praise GOD for coming around this curve fast and furious and kicking cancer to the curb one day at a time.
In closing, for all of you that have been on this journey since day one, for the ones that joined us along the way, and for anyone just starting the first page today --- we thank you! As I say the amount of support and love that we receive from you ALL on a daily basis, along with our GOD above is what gets us through our brightest and darkest days!
XO Lyndie
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Just The RIGHT Ingredients
Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie - Jim Davis”
Agh! I found this quote and actually chuckled a little bit. Kind of like the being on the “Sea” diet – “Everything I ‘SEE’ I eat”.
Chatting with a “Blog Buddie” earlier (as we all know I ramble, and the things I say sometimes, I wonder if I made that up just then or if heard it somewhere along the way) and we were discussing how negative the world can be at times and we both are striving to remove ourselves a such as we can, but at times it is difficult to have just the right mixture of people to make up the “ingredients” of your recipe of life.
I got to thinking about that, and it seems like in EVERY recipe you have, the majority consist of salt. I myself know by many test runs that with not enough salt the recipe can not taste right, with too much salt it can ruin the recipe in a second but you add it just right and all the ingredients that make up what you are making, all just seem to come together in harmony.
I thought of how in life, the negativity that comes along with it is sort of like salt. Let’s face it; the world around us is just sometimes a negative place. Whether it be the news, relationships or ANYTHING, too much of it can completely ruin it! Now don’t get me wrong I am not condoning negative behavior, but I believe GOD allows us when we are faced with it to either one of 3 things --- if we take it all away, then the world would be perfect, we would all get along, but yet in reality there would be something missing. If add too much and let it consume us, then the recipe is ruined and we spend more time making something new and take away from the focus of all the other “side dishes”. Now if we allow just the right amount, then we end up with a harmony of ingredients working together to make a pleasant dish.
Now that entire paragraph above may have made no sense, but I suppose what I am saying is that in life, you cant completely escape the negativity – it is just one of those things that has itself in “all recipes”, BUT you can choose to keep yourself in ONLY in what you want to and not be brought down by others. The older I have become and though I have a HUGE heart and want to save the world and make everyone friends and fix everyone’s problems – when I do that it takes away from me, my husband and my family. We are all adults and I feel the older we get, you realize it is ok to be selfish (< -- see another from a blog buddy) You learn the older you get you CANNOT fix others, they must fix themselves – what you can do is pray for them, and pray that they too are able to know exactly how much salt to add to their recipe. In closing, I have learned it takes a WHOLE lot more energy to be upset at the world and try to fix things that can’t be fixed than it does to be happy. With all that is going on with Mike and I, I am so much easier awakened everyday with a positive attitude and “kart-wheel” mentality than to let the black rain cloud follow me every where I go – AND even for those days, I have a really cute polka-dot umbrella! I am not saying life by ANY means is easy --- but as Joel Osteen would say, “It is Up to YOU to be Happy – No one else!” XO Lyndie PS – I found this awesome recipe I wanted to share: The TRUE Recipe for Life
4 cups of Love
2 cups of Loyalty
3 cups of Forgiveness
1 cup of Friendship
5 spoons of Hope
2 spoons of Tenderness
4 quarts of Faith
1 barrel of Laughter
1) Take Love and Loyalty, mix it thoroughly with Faith.
2) Blend it with Tenderness, Kindness & Understanding.
3) Sprinkle abundantly with Laughter.
4) Bake it with Sunshine.
5) Serve daily with generous helpings.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
v. To secretly read someone's blog with the express purpose of learning more about them without their knowledge; stalk via blog
Hey ALL!
I received a few emails in the past months of not being able to become a "follower" or "member" of my blog and you labeled yourself as "Blog Stalkers". In all honesty I have no idea how to follow this blog myself or anything. I try to follow so many blogs, but the whole email thing gets in the way, so I just save as bookmarks -- sorry! Please continue to stalk this blog all you want! I Love love love that we touch so many people!! You are far from stalking...
In all honesty, for family, friends (past and present) this blog was started long ago and I never made it private. Blogs are fun and to share with all of you our daily life and especially share the miracles working in our life right now with Mike and Cancer -- we are an open book and thank you for visiting!!!
XO Lyndie
Dang Gina!
(Rika, Tiff & Me - 2006)
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels
Well maybe not Gina, but Tiffany! Just when I am about to go to bed, you throw me an email JUST AS inspirational as Joel Osteen himself!
A little background on Tiff and I. We met, I believe exactly 5 years ago. She walked into a birthday bash she was invited to by a mutual friend and met me! Whoo hoo! I was turning turning 20 something and as I was on my 6th shot, I grabbed Tiff and put a dollar in the juke box and crawled across the ground in my mini skirt to “Pour Some Sugar On Me!” I to this day do not know what exactly she thought of me, but either way we are friends to this day and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Fast forward a few years, I meet my hubby and things slowed down. Though we do not see each other too often we stay in touch via the “Social Network” Facebook and emails. She has been by my side spiritually through this journey with Mike, and though she is not the first to tell me, my emails are quite lengthy (but hey, I love to gab) she will email me in between updates with some wise words as she did tonight…I wanted to share this email with you all:
“So…here is my every now and again email. You remind me of Noah!
We’ve started having a Bible study at work on Wednesdays during our lunch break. You know, a little something to get us over the hump. Our little quick fix to push us through. Anyway…we have some beginners, as well as some almost theologians in the class. Very small and quite intimate atmosphere. With so many beginners, there was no better place to start studying than at the beginning. We’ve gone through the creation, the creation of man, the fall of man, Cain and Abel, and today we studied the flood.
God chose Noah to ride out that storm, because He knew that Noah loved God and he was righteous. So, the storm came, and Noah sustained it because he did just as God had commanded him to do. He and his family were finally released from the boat, and (this is the good part)….the VERY FIRST THING that Noah did when he got off the ark was…he built an altar, and made sacrifices to God. How amazing was that? Even Noah was saying, “Hey JESUS, It’s Me – Just Wanted to Say Thank YOU!” Thank you for bringing me and my family through that.
It takes a lot of energy to ride out a storm. It takes a lot of energy to go through any catastrophic ordeal in your life. It takes a lot of energy to be on the cancer journey, whether you’re the patient or the caregiver. BUT…God chose you, because He knows in your heart that you’re righteous and you guys love HIM! And it’s so beautiful to see you displaying the same traits that Noah possessed…the same passion, and love for God…so much so that even while in your storm, you continue to praise Him.
I may not tell you as often as I should, but I’m so happy to be in your circle. You’re important to me, and I love, love, love that I am able to share this ride with you guys. I’ll admit, sometimes I don’t have enough time to read the whole email…but sometimes (even if I’m busy as hell), I believe you deserve my attention, and I stop what I’m doing to hear what you have to say.
Thank you Lyndie for being YOU! Love you much!
You know, in all honesty when we started on this journey, I started this blog for my Own Therapy, an outlet to vent about what was going on and to keep all informed. It became clear to me one day when I received such a response from people all over, that I was doing something bigger than me; Mike and I were chosen for this journey to glorify GOD above. I know, I know, I get so many mixed emotions from all around and still cannot believe I consider this Cancer a blessing – but I have talked to Mike several times, and he is in agreement…GOD chose US for this for a reason.
In closing, we should all strive to be like Noah. When we pause and question “Why Us?” in whatever you have been handed…see it out to the end, you may realize that you too were chosen for a SPECIFIC task – whatever it may be. It is a hard pill to swallow. In our particular circumstance, we have came to a halt with our “life plans” even though we lead a “normal” life now, a lot of plans have been put on hold…but you know what, I know when this is over, we will continue to be blessed just as we are now, tenfold!
Thank you all for being a part of this journey – though it is a day to day process and we feel confident and hold our faith strong in what GOD has planned for us, we still must live with our eyes focused on present for we cannot change the past nor predict our future…
Tiff I love you more than you know!
XO Lyndie
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels
Well maybe not Gina, but Tiffany! Just when I am about to go to bed, you throw me an email JUST AS inspirational as Joel Osteen himself!
A little background on Tiff and I. We met, I believe exactly 5 years ago. She walked into a birthday bash she was invited to by a mutual friend and met me! Whoo hoo! I was turning turning 20 something and as I was on my 6th shot, I grabbed Tiff and put a dollar in the juke box and crawled across the ground in my mini skirt to “Pour Some Sugar On Me!” I to this day do not know what exactly she thought of me, but either way we are friends to this day and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Fast forward a few years, I meet my hubby and things slowed down. Though we do not see each other too often we stay in touch via the “Social Network” Facebook and emails. She has been by my side spiritually through this journey with Mike, and though she is not the first to tell me, my emails are quite lengthy (but hey, I love to gab) she will email me in between updates with some wise words as she did tonight…I wanted to share this email with you all:
“So…here is my every now and again email. You remind me of Noah!
We’ve started having a Bible study at work on Wednesdays during our lunch break. You know, a little something to get us over the hump. Our little quick fix to push us through. Anyway…we have some beginners, as well as some almost theologians in the class. Very small and quite intimate atmosphere. With so many beginners, there was no better place to start studying than at the beginning. We’ve gone through the creation, the creation of man, the fall of man, Cain and Abel, and today we studied the flood.
God chose Noah to ride out that storm, because He knew that Noah loved God and he was righteous. So, the storm came, and Noah sustained it because he did just as God had commanded him to do. He and his family were finally released from the boat, and (this is the good part)….the VERY FIRST THING that Noah did when he got off the ark was…he built an altar, and made sacrifices to God. How amazing was that? Even Noah was saying, “Hey JESUS, It’s Me – Just Wanted to Say Thank YOU!” Thank you for bringing me and my family through that.
It takes a lot of energy to ride out a storm. It takes a lot of energy to go through any catastrophic ordeal in your life. It takes a lot of energy to be on the cancer journey, whether you’re the patient or the caregiver. BUT…God chose you, because He knows in your heart that you’re righteous and you guys love HIM! And it’s so beautiful to see you displaying the same traits that Noah possessed…the same passion, and love for God…so much so that even while in your storm, you continue to praise Him.
I may not tell you as often as I should, but I’m so happy to be in your circle. You’re important to me, and I love, love, love that I am able to share this ride with you guys. I’ll admit, sometimes I don’t have enough time to read the whole email…but sometimes (even if I’m busy as hell), I believe you deserve my attention, and I stop what I’m doing to hear what you have to say.
Thank you Lyndie for being YOU! Love you much!
You know, in all honesty when we started on this journey, I started this blog for my Own Therapy, an outlet to vent about what was going on and to keep all informed. It became clear to me one day when I received such a response from people all over, that I was doing something bigger than me; Mike and I were chosen for this journey to glorify GOD above. I know, I know, I get so many mixed emotions from all around and still cannot believe I consider this Cancer a blessing – but I have talked to Mike several times, and he is in agreement…GOD chose US for this for a reason.
In closing, we should all strive to be like Noah. When we pause and question “Why Us?” in whatever you have been handed…see it out to the end, you may realize that you too were chosen for a SPECIFIC task – whatever it may be. It is a hard pill to swallow. In our particular circumstance, we have came to a halt with our “life plans” even though we lead a “normal” life now, a lot of plans have been put on hold…but you know what, I know when this is over, we will continue to be blessed just as we are now, tenfold!
Thank you all for being a part of this journey – though it is a day to day process and we feel confident and hold our faith strong in what GOD has planned for us, we still must live with our eyes focused on present for we cannot change the past nor predict our future…
Tiff I love you more than you know!
XO Lyndie
Hey JESUS It's Me - Just Wanted To Say Thank YOU!
“GOD Gave You A Gift Of 86,400 Seconds Today, Have You Used One To Say "Thank You? - William A. Ward”
Hi Everyone!
Well I am using the majority of my 86,400 seconds to say Thank You JESUS for everything! Thanking MD Anderson for a HUGE part and diving the rest to thank YOU ALL for the continued support for Mike and I during this time and throughout this journey!!!
Today’s visit was ANOTHER one to write home about! Thankful that the doctors were not too behind today, and we got right in, got the good news and kart-wheeled out the door of MDA – Again! In my last email I had updated that Mike was to undergo one more BIG chemo and then pending the PET Scan results, he would be put on maintenance moving forward along with the Avastin (spinal/brain chemo) he will conclude in December. I am usually VERY anxious prior to visits, but this time I had complete peace and just felt that all was going to be good results. We awaiting our call (and by the way, if you are at ANY appointment for a lengthy time – Angry Birds is REALLY addicting and helps pass time!) We were called back and only a few minutes passed before Dr. Tsao came in ALL smiles and reported the good results. As of today (9/7/11) Mike has ONLY one lymph node that is infected (per the scan that is visible) and a few areas in his spinal bone. The chemo along with ALL prayers and our LORD above is kicking the cancer right out of Mike’s system!! What glorious news this was this AM and has truly made our day!
Mike remains to feel fantastic (The majority of the days) and overall has felt energized everyday and no major side effects from the chemo -- we are living a very normal productive life! I think this little cool front we have here in Houston has been a big help as well, and has gotten us out of the house and doing a lot more outside activities!!
As always, to each and every one of you, THANK YOU! For without ALL of you and the support along with the abundance of love you provide us on a daily basis, we would not be where we are today. Mike’s mentality continues to sky rocket and with the light at the end of the tunnel being apparently visible, it continues to accelerate daily!! There is not a day that goes by that Mike and I do not go through several emails and messages from you all, ALL over the world providing such inspiration along this journey – for this we are forever thankful!!!
In closing, we thank GOD for the wonderful weather we are feeling now, but continue to pray for our nation that is in so much turmoil at the moment with out of control wildfires & flooding. Mike and I send so many kisses and hugs to you all and wish you a wonderful rest of your week as school is now in full effect and the holidays are just around the corner!
Love you ALL!
XO Lyndie
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
GOD Bless America --- PLEASE
“I'm just a singer of simple songs, I'm not a real political man, I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you, The difference in Iraq and Iran, But I know Jesus and I talk to GOD, And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us, And the greatest is love – Alan Jackson”
Waking us up this AM (other than the kisses from the “wet-nosed” kiddos) was the news channels with all the footage of the wild-fires hitting Texas right now. COMPLETE Devastation! Mike and I said a prayer this AM for all that are affected – many we know (that Praise GOD have not lost anything yet) but are coming close. I heard this song this morning on my way into work and now that we are coming up to the anniversary of 9/11, a day that forever changed our America, I think of all that is happening now to our nation that is forever changing our lives as well.
As I have said many, many times before, I do not do politics. Period. I feel whole heartedly that each President we have really for the most part tries to clean up the effects of Presidential pasts while all along trying to not make too many mistakes themselves. Striving and yearning to keep the promises to our nation as they were on the campaign trail, I feel they truly have visions and really try to make them come to pass. In my “younger” days (I’ll shoot for early 20’s – because 33 is by no means OLD!), but in my earlier days, I had the same view on politics, and even have to admit, because I DID NOT vote, I clearly don’t feel I have any say so because I did not contribute. At that time, I really did not feel any burden of our current presidents affecting me and my own years ago. I had a great job, a car and just really the responsibility of me. I suppose I was VERY naïve and didn’t feel the actual “ripple” affect doing anything to me.
Now that I am older, I still shy away from political conversation, because I just don’t know enough to hold an argument. I simply feel at this time, rather than what we are focusing on our Presidential represent ivies are NOT doing for us, what can we be doing for them??? It is really quite simple --- pray!
Recently a lot of people were giving Rick Perry grief for the National Day of Prayer that he wanted to hold here in Houston. See there again, I don’t understand his views on a lot of things, except that he is a Republican. The day of prayer was looked down upon because it seemed that people thought it was “biased” of him to call a national day of prayer, when there are SO many religious radicals out there, that may have once been voting for him, now feeling that he is promoting opposite and promoting religion and his views upon the nation. Boo Freaking Hoo! In my opinion our nation needs to come together and NO matter whom you believe is your creator, we need to pray for our Nation – Our nation is in a crisis – ALL over!
Prayer for our family is what is saving my Husband and continuing to ensure his journey will soon be over and he will be Cancer Free! The Power of prayer DOES work! We need to set aside our differences and pray for our nation as a whole. We need to continue to pray for our President, Our Soldiers, our congressmen and all others. We need to Pray for more people to vote! In these times, though I still really do not have the “political common sense” and I myself will not be making any decisions for our country – we must pray for the ones that do.
At this time (though I personally do not believe the world will end in 2012 by others prophecies) I do believe that ONLY GOD above knows our destiny and he is the one that will control the end. I do believe what the bible says and that we are in the years of the end with the fires, floods, earthquakes, Hurricanes and all other Worldly disasters that we have encountered.
We must come together as a nation and pray for the people who are in these decision making roles, the puppet-masters of our nation, pray for their knowledge and hearts be to better our country and not selfish reasons that will get them further and more money in their pockets. We must continue to pray for our brothers and sisters across the nations that are affected by the economy and Mother Nature. I feel we are way past a nation day of prayer – we need to pray EVERY day! Whether you a hand on the Bible or a Buddha Belly, we need to ALL continue to pray or meditate.
As I end this, I do not claim to be knowledgeable in the world of politics nor even an expert at the bible – I know my heart Just as GOD does and for every prayer, there will come a praise as well for ALL he does and continues to do – HE doesn’t ask much from us, so lets please come together during these times whether in person or spirit.
XO Lyndie
Friday, September 2, 2011
They Are IN!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Dear GOD

“For I am about to do something new - See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? - Isaiah 43:19”
I have had the most trouble writing the past week. My mind has been consumed with so many going ons, one being that I came down with Acute Bronchitis! Yeck! I cannot stand being sick. Being the control freak that I am, I cannot stand not having control of my own body and the way I feel – leaving my health up to medication and such. Today, I am feeling 110% percent better and the twitch in my leg has returned and I am back to kart-wheeling through my busy day – Praise GOD!
I thought about what I wanted to write, and though I pray to GOD everyday and all throughout my day, I wanted to take time to write a note to him. I feel that when I pray, though I pray for a variety of things depending on the circumstances of our daily life, and though I praise GOD for all good that happens all through the day (as I say, even for a good hair day), I know GOD knows my heart inside and out and my every thought, but just as I can sit and jot down an email to a close friend or a letter to my grandma in Alabama or shoot a text to someone across the states, I wanted to take a moment to write to GOD and let him know my thoughts…
“Dear GOD,
I know we talk everyday and I never go without thanking you for everything you do, please know the following words though may be simple and not necessary to you, I wanted to ensure that you know how I feel.
I woke up today feeling 100% better then the recent days before. I thank you for healing me and making me better.
I woke up next to my husband this morning, made breakfast, watched the news, hugged our “wet-nosed kiddos”, got a little exercise in, washed some clothes and went to work. I thank you for the ability to do all of this. Days that I don’t want to face the world, My Hubby leans over and kisses me just right, the feel of the doggies wet noses on my forehead turn my frown upside down. I thank you for this.
Though the temperatures are scorchers lately and we hear there is rain in site, we thank you for the A/C that we have to keep us cool and the monies to pay for the utility bill.
Just to cover it all GOD, I thank you for being you and doing all you do for us and allowing us to be us.
XO Lyndie”
In closing, next week becomes a busy week for Mike as he undergoes MRIs, Pet Scans and results to follow. As always I become anxious before all these visits though our results have been outstanding! Mike remains to feel food, continues to work and his mentality continues to rocket daily as he remains confident as we all do that he will soon beat Cancer!
I will keep you all posted in the upcoming week to let you know of his results of all his tests and as always, we continue to thank you ALL for prayers and uplifting spirts daily, for as I remind you, these are all what gets us thorugh our days!
XOOX Lyndie
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