Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day --- MOM!

“I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich - M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter”

*** This Entry Dedicated to ALL Mom's On Father's Day That Are Putting in Double-Time ***

I know it was just yesterday that I was writing my entry to consist of my tribute to my Mom for Mother’s Day – and now we are here and for Father’s Day, I have only one person to dedicate this day to – My Mom as well.

A lot of people are fortunate to have a Mother and Father present in their every day lives, as for me, I was fortunate to have my Mother, who held the strength of Mother and Father in one casing. I admit, growing up I was a little envious to visit friends houses were both parents where there. Dad would always be working in the garage on his next project and when we bolted out into the yard, their Dad came running behind us, lifting us up way above his head swinging us all around. Or the times when something broke, because we may not have had the money right at that moment to have it fixed and with no Daddy around as a “handy-man”, we had to wait.

As I write that above, I cant add anymore things that I missed out on not having my Father in my life, my Mom did an amazing job of wearing all the hats in our small family. Growing up, my mom never complained about the fact we didn’t have a Daddy in our dynamic. I never was told anything negative about my Father through the years, she left this up to me to create my own opinions and develop my relationship with my Father. That within itself takes a lot of strength --- when Mom and Dad don’t get along and either one leaves the picture it takes a huge person to not influence the child either way – My mom was great at that and to this day I do not have a relationship with my father because of him.

My mom raised me alone (really since I was born) but physically alone since I was 2 years old. She overcame many obstacles as a single-mother. Working a full-time job starting off at 6.00/Hour, ensuring I was fed, dressed and well taken care of. If you ever here me speak of my mom, I never thought I went without. You will hear her say that she wishes she could have done more, but I never knew I went without – in my eyes and mind, I had a GREAT upbringing. Another obstacle my mom overcame on her own was raising a teenager girl into a young woman. Granted, I have never ever claimed to have been the perfect daughter (I was a hell-raiser at times) but I reassure my mom, it was nothing to do with how she raised me. I was a teenager, ran with the wrong crowds and made some stupid decisions. My mom ALWAYS had my back, never abandoned me and though I was disciplined (many times ;) she stayed strong though her punishments and stood close to her rules with me growing up and living under her roof --- for that I admire you mom for the strength and courage it took to raise me on your own.

In closing, I have nothing bad to say about my father, just that I simply do not know him. My mom is all I have ever known and all I know now. My mom sacrificed her own personal time throughout the years to ensure that it was about me…I feel guilty at times that my mom didn’t have more of an adult life through the years of raising me, but selfishly I am thankful --- she raised a true woman (though I have walked down some dark paths and made A LOT of wrong decisions) she raised a genuine woman who is true to myself and my morals.

Mom, you are a true gem. I don’t tell you enough, but I am so thankful GOD chose you as my Mom and Dad – I am thankful daily that he instilled you with all he did to ensure that I always was protected never harmed (except for some of those spankings ;) haha! You are rare mom in these days and times, and I am so blessed to have you!

XO Boongie

1 comment:

C. Zampa said...

Thank you, my daughter! We might have had it tough, but we had it good, didn't we? We had each other's backs.

Thanks for being my daughter! And to your husband--my son--for letting me be part of your lives!

Hugs and love.