Wednesday, May 11, 2011


“No God, no peace. Know God, know peace - Author Unknown”

I had heard this quote once before a while ago. It was posted on a website that not just directs itself to Christians, BUT ALL that believe and trust in a Higher Power. As I scrolled through the posting, I noticed there were a lot of people that were thanking the Author for posting such a wonderful article and then there were the ones that seemed to be nothing but predators and posting nothing but mean replies to the Author. They questioned the Bible and all the “conspiracy” theories against the Bible and if there REALLY is a GOD above. I immediately got on the defense and started to post something about my beliefs and that those people should not be on a Christian website if they are going to use it as a form of attack…I declined to retaliate and just simply prayed for them.

I know that there are a lot of non-believers in the world and a lot who maybe only pray when something is wrong or there is trouble in their lives. I cannot fault the ones out there who question the beliefs of us that do trust in a Higher Power and put our complete faith in HIM at all times in our life, for it is just the same as someone who believes that there REALLY is a Pot of GOLD at the end of a rainbow -- I myself have never followed a rainbow to the end, so who am I to say there isn't?

I suppose my thought is why is it such a HUGE deal if we choose to believe in GOD? If we choose to take everything that happens in our lives whether it be good or bad, to Praise GOD for it ALL, what is the wrong in that? If I have a great hair day and I choose to thank GOD for it, then so be it. If I get a promotion at work, I know that behind the workings of my Employer that GOD is in control of the paths that I am headed down and all that comes my way.

As they say GOD works in mysterious ways and I like it that way. In my life I am not always excited about the journeys GOD has put me on, but I trust that I am on it for a reason and as I come into my 32nd year on this Earth, I stand true to my statement. I was devastated when Mike was diagnosed last year with Cancer. Our lives took a complete 180 degree turn BUT in the same breath, Mike and I have become closer to GOD than we have ever been and we see miracles happen in our lives daily to us and people that we have been blessed to have in our lives.

GOD has and continues to instill me daily with strength, courage and above all else peace. Though at the moment my days are chaotic with all the goings on of life – I truly have complete peace right now. I have peace in knowing that Mike is on the road to healing and being Cancer Free (I have CLAIMED this!). I have peace knowing that GOD truly knows what is best for us and the plan he has for me, may not be the plan he has for you, but it will never stop me and it should never stop YOU from trusting HIM and having complete faith that my path, your path is going to continue to offer much growth. And remember the things that we may not understand will one day reveal themselves to us – whether it be tomorrow, next month, next year or when we are standing at the Pearly Gates.

In closing, I will never stop believing that the statement stands true, “NO GOD, NO Peace.”

XO Lyndie

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