Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good Day Sunshine – I’ve Got Something To Smile About!

“For I Hear Many Whispering, “Terror on every side!” They Conspire Against Me and Plot to Take My Life; But I TRUST In You, LORD; I say, “YOU Are My GOD! - Psalm 31:13-14”

Oh and Trust in The LORD I do, we do! Another day walked in pure faith and trustful hearts has brought us yet another report of good news for Mike!

5:15 AM was way too early to be on the way to MD Anderson this morning to ensure we had blood work done by 6 AM to stay on time to get to our 8:30 AM appointment to only sit and wait to finally see the doctor at almost 10:00 AM (granted it is what is expected we have come to learn, so it is not though we didn’t expect it, I was just tired and hungry ) Anyhow, our primary Oncologist (The Beautiful Dr. Tsao) was out today on vacation, so all was a little backed up, but our substituting Doctor made it in and was very helpful and full of good news.

A few months back when Mike was diagnosed and after brain surgery he had returned back into the hospital to address an issue with his vision (which now is 20/20 restored!) and at that time they were worried about the cancer cells that were in the spinal fluid which travels through the spine and all through the brain. His last MRI’s showed that nothing new has developed in the brain region and due to radiation and chemo all had shrunk and nothing was apparent in the brain any longer – this still though did not rule out that he had these cancer cells floating all around and it was a huge concern to the doctors and we were told they were not sure how effective the chemo would be because it is a VERY hard area to treat ---- BUT as of 12/27/10 Mike has NO MORE CANCER CELLS IN HIS SPINAL FLUID NOR FLUID FLOWING THROUGH THE BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise GOD!!

Though our journey is not yet over and with this disease it does change daily, I will simply focus on the positive news at hand and run with it! Mike will be undergoing a few MRIs of the Brain and Spine along with a PET Scan later this month and we continue to pray and ask GOD for continued healing and trust that each visit will provide glorious news of GOD and Treatment kicking Cancer’s Butt!!

In closing today, we both remain so thankful and full of gratitude for all of you that continue to lift us in prayer and send us messages daily! A few months ago an email I sent out I felt such despair when the Doctors told us that this chemo “HAS TO WORK!” It IS our only choice. That very day, I gave it ALL back to GOD and did not look back and since that very day GOD has provided such strength in Mike, Myself and our Family to face this Devil Given disease that we did not know we had – strength beyond our wildest dreams! Today I know that not only is the chemo working wonders inside of Mike, but GOD has placed his healing hands upon him as well and is working wonders as well – wonders that we cannot comprehend nor understand ---- for we are not supposed to --- It remains GOD’s Plan!

I hope you all are continuing to have a Happy New Year and wish you much love and success in the coming month and just as you continue to keep us in your prayers and lift us up, please know that we do the same for you all as well!

XO Lyndie

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