Monday, December 13, 2010

Jealously is a Sickness – I Hope You Get Well Soon

I don’t recall where I saw this, but it stuck with me and every once in a while it crosses my mind and I sort of chuckle at the cuteness of it. I’m sure it was on a T-shirt or a keychain. It really popped in my head recently as I was watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I know! Beverly Hills – what on earth would any of those ladies be jealous of each other for? They have money galore, beauty, the majority have brains and now fame!

Anyhow one of the Housewives was bickering about how the other MUST be jealous of her and her lifestyle, fame and fortune – I myself giggled just because the thought of jealousy, yet very common is just so silly when you really think of it in the whole.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure though out the years I have been envious of someone once, twice or a lot! It is natural, we are human, I am human and growing up in a single family house hold, a lot of people around me that I grew up with had the Best of the Best and at one time I am sure I would have rather had that brand new Mustang versus my 88 Honda Accord, but I look back and maybe it was just me being a teenager, not necessarily “jealous”…maybe I was, who knows.

Now that I am older and I am married with my own family…Jealousy just seems really so silly and such a waste of energy. Now understand I am sure there are situations where I may have envied one person or another, but in general my heart is always so happy for others, especially my Family and Friends that have good things happen to them.

I have seen a lot lately and have been messaged about particular situations that people in my life are dealing with. Some being the victim of someone being jealous of them and others, I hate to admit, but are the ones that vent about the good fortunes of someone else. I suppose with the current situation and circumstances that have been given to myself and Mike, I could really be envious or jealous of others, but I am not. I have a damn good life filled with so many that love us unconditionally. I am blessed with a Happy heart that sometimes gets tired and wants to rest and fill with tears and have a sad day, but overall my Heart Remains happy. I am blessed to have such an amazing Husband whom though he is facing a life threghtning disease, chooses to see the Positive and the Good that this journey has already brought us. I am thankful for those moments when I want to break – he is there to ensure I am caught and placed back upon his resting and loving arms. We are both blessed with such amazing family and friends whom without any questions, will be there in a heart-beat and love Mike and I for who we are, the people that we have become and support us as we strive to be better people every day!

I suppose I just want to say that though you may face unfortunate circumstances in your daily lives or you feel you may have been dealt an unfair hand compared to others, before you allow yourself to be consumed with jealous feelings or feelings of envy – take time and reflect on what you DO have. Take time to thank GOD for the circumstances that YOU have to face today and how from these you have grown or will continue to grow daily. Thank GOD for YOUR health and ALL that you do have, all that YOU have become.

In closing, I know that there are A LOT of others that have a lot more than Mike and I (materialistically) and there are others that we may have more than ---but the relationship between my Husband and I, Our Family and Our Friends and Our relationship with GOD gives me the feeling daily that we rich beyond our means! We need to ensure daily that we celebrate each other, especially our Family and Friends. We need to be happy for each other’s accomplishments and the good fortune that we all experience. No matter the circumstances of each other, we must also continue to pray for each other daily – I pray daily for you all and thank GOD for each of you! I am thankful for each of our relationships with you – you have made us stronger and continue to instill strength in us each day!

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